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Uninsured Drivers and Car Accidents: How to Seek Compensation

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Uninsured Drivers and Car Accidents: How to Seek Compensation

Insurance is a legal requirement for any car driven on public roads in the UK. But not everyone obeys this particular law. According to recent estimates, there are around 300,000 uninsured vehicles on public roads at any given time. So, what happens to motorists involved in a collision with an uninsured vehicle?

Let’s take a look at the legal process that this circumstance brings about, and how motorists can protect themselves.

Understanding the Risks of Uninsured Driving

To stay on the right side of the law, you’ll need car insurance. This means third-party cover, at the very least. In other words, you’ll need a policy that will pay for any damage you inflict on other people, or their property.

When a vehicle is not insured, there will be no insurer to step in to set right any costs incurred as a result of the way that vehicle is driven. In other words, if an uninsured car strikes an insured car, there will be no money there to repair the latter.

Immediate Steps to Take After an Accident with an Uninsured Driver

If you’ve been involved in a crash, then you’ll need to record the details of the scene. This applies whether the other driver is insured or not. Take photographs of the scene, and collect details from the other driver. If you learn that the other driver is not insured, then don’t start a confrontation. Just take note of the information you’re given, and then notify your insurer – and the police – as quickly as possible.

Since you’re being made aware that a crime has been committed, you’ll need to report it. If you don’t, then you could be considered an accessory.

The Role of Car Accident Solicitors

Fortunately, this is quite a well-trodden area of law. As such, there are a number of specialist solicitors operating, who will be able to guide you through the legal process quickly and effectively. If you have incurred costs as a result of the uninsured driver, then you are almost certainly entitled to compensation. Involving a lawyer early on will give you the best possible chance of extracting it.

Eligibility Criteria for Compensation

There’s a special body in place to deal with victims of uninsured drivers called the Motor Insurers Bureau. This will protect you from having to pursue the other driver directly. You’ll need to report the claim as soon as possible after the accident occurs. Typically, the MIB makes a decision within six weeks – although some claims may take longer.

Critically, MIB guidance indicates that compensation is only payable in cases where fault can be established. If the evidence suggests that you were responsible for the accident, either wholly or in part, then you might not be considered for compensation.

Preventative Measures and Legal Implications

The best way to protect yourself against uninsured drivers is: proactively. You’ll need to verify insurance details as quickly as possible after a crash, and make sure that you’re covered appropriately yourself. If you’re found driving without insurance, then you could potentially face a lifetime ban, and an unlimited fine.

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